How Much You Can Get Fined in Ontario if Your Website is Not Compliant

Failure to have an AODA compliant website in Ontario can result in significant fines. The exact amount of the fines may vary depending on the nature and severity of the violation, as well as the discretion of the enforcer. 

For individuals found to be non-compliant with AODA obligations related to their websites, fines can range from $15,000 per day up to $100,000 per day for corporations. The exact amount of the fine can depend on factors such as the size of the organization, the impact of the non-compliance, and any previous violations.

It is crucial to prioritize AODA compliance and ensure that your website meets the accessibility requirements outlined in the AODA regulations. By doing so, you can avoid potential fines and provide an inclusive online experience for all users, including those with disabilities.

Having an accessible website is not only a legal requirement but also a crucial aspect of creating an inclusive online environment. Ensuring that your website meets accessibility standards is essential for attracting a wider audience and avoiding legal consequences.

The Importance of Website Accessibility

Website accessibility refers to designing and developing websites in a way that allows everyone, including individuals with disabilities, to perceive, navigate, and interact with the content effectively. Beyond legal obligations, making your website accessible has numerous benefits:

Inclusive Experience

By ensuring accessibility, you create a more inclusive digital space where users of all abilities can access your website’s content without facing barriers. This fosters a sense of belonging and demonstrates your commitment to equal access for all.

Expanded Reach

An accessible website opens up opportunities to reach a broader audience. Making your site usable for individuals with disabilities can attract new customers or clients who value and prioritize inclusivity.

Improved User Experience

Website accessibility features, such as clear navigation, alternative text for images, and properly structured content, enhance the user experience for all visitors, including those without disabilities.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Implementing accessibility best practices positively impacts your website’s search engine rankings. Search engines, like Google, consider accessibility as a ranking factor, making your site more discoverable to a wider audience.

WCAG 2.0 Compliance: A Standard for Accessibility

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 provide an internationally recognized standard for creating accessible websites. These guidelines are comprehensive and cover various aspects of accessibility, including:


Ensuring that information and user interface elements are presented in a way that is perceivable to users. This involves providing alternative text for images, captions for videos, and clear color contrast for text.


Making websites easy to navigate and operate for all users, including those who rely on keyboards, screen readers, or other assistive technologies. This includes providing keyboard accessibility, logical and consistent navigation, and understandable forms.


 Ensuring that users can easily comprehend the information and functionality of the website. This involves using clear and concise language, providing instructions and error handling, and offering consistent and predictable interactions.


Ensuring that websites are compatible with various assistive technologies and future web technologies. This requires using standard coding practices and avoiding reliance on specific software or technologies.

Compliance and Accessibility

Treefrog Care understands the significance of website accessibility and offers comprehensive services that are WCAG 2.0 compliant and adherence to accessibility laws in various countries in North America. Our experts have in-depth knowledge of the guidelines and legal requirements, enabling us to provide the following:

Accessibility Audits

We conduct thorough audits of your website to identify areas where accessibility can be improved. This includes reviewing your website’s design, structure, and code.


We implement the necessary changes and updates to your website to make it fully accessible according to WCAG 2.0 guidelines and relevant accessibility laws.